Flagstaff Monthly Meeting
Address: 402 South Beaver Street, Flagstaff, AZ 86001
Located one block South of Butler Avenue on the Southeast corner of Beaver Street and Dupont Street, just north of the Northern Arizona University campus. Click for Map and directions
An unprogrammed meeting in Flagstaff, Arizona of the Religious Society of Friends, commonly known as Quakers.
Arizona Half Yearly Gathering in September – information and registration link at bottom of this page.
Worship – Every Sunday at 10:00 AM – All are welcome.
If you are unable to join in person, you can worship with us by Zoom. To join, click here.
Monthly Schedule:
- Meeting for Worship: Sundays 10:00 – 11:15 AM, followed by hospitality.
- First Sunday: Light Meditation with Instruction, 8:15 AM-9:45 AM, by Zoom. If you wish to attend, please click here and complete the registration form.
- Second Sunday: Potluck Lunch at 11:30 AM, following the rise of meeting.
- Third Sunday: Meeting for Worship for Business: at 11:45 AM, following the rise of Meeting and brief hospitality.
- Fifth Sunday: Meeting for Worship for Healing: 10:00 – 11:15 AM.
An Introduction to Quaker Worship:
We meet in silence with expectant listening, letting go of the inner disturbances of daily life and waiting for the guidance of the Inner Light. A Meeting may be completely silent or, as more often happens, someone will feel moved to speak, to share with the Meeting something which may be of help or guidance to others, that they deem to be a divine message, not an instruction, fact, or idea.
An important part of Quaker belief is that there is that of God in every person, and by quietly and devoutly listening to the leadings of this Inner Light and following them we will follow the path God has set for us. It is on this belief that our Meeting for Worship is based.
Worship ends at 11:00 – we take time to share joys and sorrows together, and to introduce ourselves.
Click to view: Flagstaff Monthly Meeting Calendar
Want to speak with someone? Please leave a message at 928 255 0121
To learn more Arizona Half Yearly Meeting – Fall Gathering at Emanuel Pines, please read the information provided and find the registration link by clicking HERE